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Psychology Services Portsmouth

What can you expect from therapy? 

  • A confidential space either at our venue or on-line, where you can talk openly.
  • ​A therapeutic relationship with your therapist which fosters a deeper understanding of yourself and helps you move in the direction that is important to you.
  • A therapy that is goal orientated.

  • A process that normally begins with a period of assessment, followed by an active stage of intervention with a planned ending and follow-up if desired.

  • During the assessment phase you are invited to talk about yourself, your past, current difficulties and what you wish to be different.

  • The therapist encourages exploration of beliefs, emotions and behaviours in order to bring about change. This can sometimes be challenging. The therapist is here to support you in this process.

  • Therapy is collaborative and the therapist will frequently ask for feedback.

  • Self-directed work (to carry out in between sessions) is an important aspect of the therapy and will be agreed together.

  • Therapists attend regular clinical supervision, whereby a therapist may choose to explore an aspect of your therapy episode. This is considered good clinical practice and confidentiality is respected within the team.

  • Sometimes people's problems require a different kind of treatment that we may not be able to provide.  The initial conversation and the assessment process aims to identify the best therapeutic intervention that is most likely to result in change and if it is not available from within Psychology Services Portsmouth, we will offer our recommendations and guidance to assist you to find the most appropriate treatment or a professional who might be able to provide this for you.  


  • Protected time before and after a session will allow you some emotional processing time.

  • Taking notes in sessions may help you focus on key points.

  • Reflecting on sessions and sharing your thoughts with the therapist will aid a shared understanding.

  • Carrying out self-directed work in between sessions will help you integrate ideas into your life and test out new ways of experiencing yourself.

  • Be kind to yourself, as you allow the mind to focus on difficult emotions. Build in time for good self-care.

  • If you have any concerns about the type of therapy or the relationship with your therapist, we encourage you to raise this with the therapist.

  • Attending sessions regularly in the active phase, will keep up a momentum and more likely encourage change.

  • Follow-up sessions can help keep you focused on longer term change and offer an opportunity for review and trouble shooting.


Talking therapies often takes place over video. Research has shown that the results are as effective as face-to-face sessions for many clients. You and your therapist may have chosen this medium to fit in with your preference, availability or convenience.

For optimum comfort and effectiveness of video calls for your psychological therapy, we advise the following -

  • A private space that is quiet and free from distractions.
  • Protect your time if possible by turning off phones and other devices.
  • A good internet connection.
  • A comfortable seat.
  • A computer screen / laptop – in order to have a full screen in front of you.
  • A set of head phones or ear phones.

Please log on to your call in good time, so your therapist knows you are ready for the appointment.  Unless agreed prior to an appointment, you are expected to join the appointment alone. Please discuss inviting anyone else to an on-line appointment with your therapist so this may be planned together in advance.

Any recording of a session needs to be consented to in advance by both parties.



The Technopole building is easily found at the bottom of the M275 on the main route into Portsmouth.  There are 2 car parks in front of the building and as of March 2024, there are no restrictions or tickets required to park here.  There are also buses that stop outside the Technopole.  With easy access by car or public transport, we hope that your journey to the office is smooth and you are able to park with ease.

If this is your first meeting please take a seat on the purple sofa that can be found in the entrance hall on the ground floor.  Your therapist will meet you there just before your appointment time and show you to the office.  The building has both stairs and a lift and there are toilets on every floor.  The ground floor cafe is open from 8.30am to 2.30pm so you may get a drink or a snack if required.  

Please allow yourself time before your appointment to think about what you would like to get from the time with your therapist and a little time afterwards to think about the work completed and plan how to take the ideas generated forward during the period until your next appointment.